The accounting challenge facing non-profits

Timely, accurate financial reporting and transaction
processing is imperative if a not-for-profit organization is
going to run smoothly and efficiently.  But many
not-for-profit organizations cannot afford a full-time
certified public accountant (CPA) on their staff who
could ensure that this is achieved.  For these
organizations, improving financial reporting could
enhance their ability to receive foundation and
government contracts and grants and to manage their
cash flow.

Not-for-profit accounting is more complicated than
accounting in most for-profit companies.  For example,
grant restrictions and requirements mandate that
expenditures must be approved and allocated in
conformity with many sets of regulations and often
matched to specific revenues.  

However, while accounting in not-for-profit organizations
requires a special enhanced skill set, compensation
typically lags the for-profit sector.  As a result, there is
today an ongoing scarcity of qualified accountants and
many not-for-profits cannot afford to bring one on

How Mission Accounting, Inc. can help

Clients contract with us to provide all internal accounting
and bookkeeping deliverables (e.g., financial reports,
invoices) on a monthly and as-needed basis.

In general, client executives expect many fewer errors,
greatly improved on-time delivery, and a cost reduction
of 10-15% when they use Mission Accounting, Inc.  
They also like the idea that we
can bill by the
deliverable, instead of by the hour like most professional
services firms.

This is our mission: to help our not-for-profit clients
their missions by providing accounting and
bookkeeping without the headaches, errors, missed
deadlines and inefficiencies.  

In so doing, we prove that the contracting out of
accounting and bookkeeping services can work very
well for non-profits with needs that have grown large
and complex beyond the means of their current internal
systems and processes.

To find out more, e-mail us at

© 2010 Mission Accounting, Inc.
I founded Mission
Accounting, Inc. to
provide accounting
services to small and
organizations.  My mission
is to bring these groups
the special skills they
require at a cost they can
afford, so they can focus
their missions.

Since 1995 I have
focused my practice on
only not-for-profit clients.  
Prior to this, I served over
five years in Director of
Finance positions and as
an independent external
auditor for not-for-profit
"Our mission is to help our not-for-profit clients achieve their missions"
Accounting & Bookkeeping Services
for Not-for-Profit Organizations
Janet B. Hanley, CPA
Mission Accounting, Inc.